
Imported from MozDawg without title

A little Wiki page at c2.com: Web Annotation. At the same location, Collaboration Tools is a nice list of links.

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perl.com: Perl, the first postmodern computer language [perl.com Mar. , 1999] “The Modernist believes in OR more than AND. Postmodernists believe in AND more than OR. … At least we can use Perl as an example. In Perl, AND has higher precedence than OR does. There you have it. That proves Perl is a postmodern language.”
heh! ipso facto?
See also: ThereIsMoreThanOneWayToDoIt

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My newest page, on socialtext workspace’s wiki: hfx_ben. And for comparison, my page on c2.com aka “WardsWiki”: BenTremblay.

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Good stuff popping up all over the place!

TWiki . Codev . RichSiteSummary was brought to my attention after someone read one of my letters to Indymedia_tech.

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When I forwarded this to I/O et al, I prefaced it with “*!Yoiks!* … now that people have time on their hands, docs is a hot topic?”

DevShed – Practices

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A wiki-like link system? Sure, why not?! See: erational > software > wiklink

  • March 2025
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