See spacenamespace. Tip of the hat to EarleMartin, who maintiains Acretion Core (a SWWiki). Earle blogs at two bits short of a byte and downlode is his site.
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Dang … a trans-oceanic “nightmare”
“Nasiriyah Turns Into ‘Nightmare’ for Marines” [] … *Dang*
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SMEAC – In a hyper-connected situation, with excess information in an ocean of data, relating noise to noise with pattern. Plan and process, diagramatically thick, dense and fibrous, with operationally defined mission parameters and problem/solution pairs.
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I have been entirely pre-occupied with correspondence and blogging at “Beyond Greed“. It’s all about democracy, which has precious little to do with benevolent tyranny and “might makes right”.
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A nice overview of the lizard: Mozilla: Blogging’s Killer App, and a whole slough of “hidden prefs
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I just got back from an hour or so at my regular coffee joint, where I read 4 or 5 IT magazines (how’s this for a set of numbers: according to an article on EMC/Symmetrix DMX (Direct Matrix Architecture) in InformationWeek 10FEB03, Information Resources Inc. (a market data analysis firm) “tracks 28 million items, stores around 150 attributes for each, processes 160 billion summarized transactions per week [yes, that really is “billion” with a “b”], and maintains a 40-terabyte data warehouse.” Ain’t those some numbers?!)
<rant>I’m seriously ticked … yet another smart young programmer crying the blues to me about how his customers bog his sites down with animated crud and then use him and the other programmers as glorified typists. What’s with his management team? Well, the fact is they see a more stable growth path in following a patronizing tactic where they don’t burden their customers with things like understanding, knowledge, autonomy, flexibility, or any of those other touchey-feely abstractions. They’re big fish in a little pond, and they’re filling their environment with greenish crud. Does no one any good, but their numbers look fine, sooooo . . . . It’s pathetic.</rant>