From BusinessWeek Online, a flashback to 1998: “Inside Netscape“
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Imported from MozDawg without title
Well I’ll be darned … time for taps, or flags at half-mast or something:
Google Groups: View Thread “W3C Closes Amaya Activity” … looking back, I found it in Asa’s NotBlog from last week.
Related: Why You Should Switch to the Mozilla Firebird browser
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PowWow … if you don’t know, you need to find out
If you know, then you’ll flip!
Google and Credibility
Google to fix blog noise problem [] blog noise??! Well, ya, ok … I suppose.
Actually, when you consider how google computes a resource’s cred, there’s a significant point to be made here: “It isn’t clear if weblogs will be removed from the main search results, but precedent suggests they will be.”
Related, from LongBets: “In a Google search of five keywords or phrases representing the top five news stories of 2007, weblogs will rank higher than the New York Times’ Web site”, with Dave Winer as predictor, defending against challenger Martin Nisenholtz, who disagrees.
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Q: To whom do words matter more than deeds?
A: To one who has resigned from self-determination.
The folks who pillaged the antiquities in Baghdad’s museums (our history … one sky, one future) ignored or trashed the replicas while stealing away with the very best items.
The responsible authorities (read: Rumsfeld and company) protected the ministry of oil while making no efforts to secure other facilities, such as the museum … not even hospitals.
So … who are the barbarians?
Here’s as setting for a historical fantasy RPG: you’re a right thinking rationalist realist liberal in a culture of “might makes right” and xenophobial (by which I mean “You’re with us or you’re agin’ us.”) … what do you do? Let’s say the next week will see the outbreak of a war that will result in a) the burning of the library of Alexandria, and b) the salting of the earth to such an extent that the resulting desertification creates the Sahara.
“Not knowing what is truly of value” … that’s pret’ near sufficient definition of “barbarian”, isn’t it?
(I spent the day reading and pondering effective discourse … is my point just to change someone’s opinion? *That sux … it leads to ideological hegemony* or, rather, to increase the independence and autonomy that leads to enlightened self-interest?

Panchen Lama is a title, like Vice-President or Prime Minister. (pan.chen means “great scholar” and lama is a word Tibetans use for a religious teacher.) In Tibet the Pachen Lama is second only to HH the Dalai Lama.
The Panchen Lama was 6 years old when he and his parents were kidnapped from their home in Tibet by the Chinese government. He is the world’s youngest political prisoner and he has been missing for over 6 years.