A looming meme … I’m starting to encounter alternative thinking on the subject of FS … yaa, the question of file systems. (How much of FS falls into the domain of “namespace”?) This clip (“Synacasaurus“) from Disobey Nonsense Network — Daily Cultural Enjoyment noodged me into starting a theme here (*sigh* which means I should dredge my bookmarks and notes). “Whilst I heartily disagree with the debate over how hierarchical filesystems are bad, I admit I’m one of those “programmers” who thinks it’s a “really wonderful thing”. I also collect far more than the average person when it comes to downloadable files (mp3s, movies, images, text files, etc.). I like organizing my files – I hate being told how to use my computer.”
I guess the paper that’s on my mind at the moment is “Name Spaces As Tools for Integrating the Operating System” from NameSys / ReiserFS (a DARPA sponsored project).
*Ooh boy … a break in regular programming for Dubya’s State of the Union address … yessir, sometimes bifurcation comes down to homely truthes. What really bothers me is the idea that policy is being dictated by the notion of getting people to feel secure … feelings are tricky things, very subject to manipulation, and not terribly rational at the best of times. Ahh, the Sargeant at Arms has made the announcement.*