
JoM – "Lower energy"

“Lower energy expenditure is the driving pursuit in the information space world.”

                    Boisot, M. (1995) Information Space, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
                    cited in The Redefinition of Memes:
                    Ascribing Meaning to an Empty Cliché
                    by Michael R. Lissack
                    Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence


This article and others like it can be found at The Journal of Mimetics.

The "Reason!" Project at UMelbourne

From the site: “The Reason! Project is developing a new method for improving reasoning skills. The method is centred on the Reason! software learning environment.”
This page is a truly lovely list of resources.

Following up on the project’s principal (Tim van Gelder), I found this short but sweet list of quotes concerning philosophy as well as a link to AusThink, where he’s again principal. That site hosts his “Critical Thinking On The Web” (“A directory of links to online critical thinking resources.”)

Text from AusThink’s ”About”

Imported from MozDawg without title

I just killed the first version of this blog; everything before late February is now nothing but a memory. That, along with the archive that blogger.com lost … meh, nobody cares, right?

Imported from MozDawg without title

Why Refactor DocBook?” and “More Ruminations on DocBook“, both at Norman Walsh. Walsh’s site also contains these on the how. what, and why of RDF.

Also of interest: the MozDocs StyleGuide

blogger has become terribly unreliable … I really don’t give a flying f*** about dbo errors and failures to insert. How friggin’ hard is it … too many programmers chasing those new google paychecks?

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Well, I’m back at it … working on a XUL front end for a web-based MPOG

DevedgeXML Central; “Transforming XML: Netscape and XSLT

Mozilla: XML Extras; “Using XML Data Islands in Mozilla“; “Amazon book listing example

Builder.com: “XML data islands offer a useful mechanism to display Web form data“; “Make XML data islands work in Mozilla

Of interest: Xopus.org – “Xopus is a browser based in-place wysiwyg XML editor. … Xopus uses XSLT stylesheets to transform the XML to user presentable HTML.”
A little bird tells me the commercial version will be available quite soon.

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The boys at blogspot have their hands full tonight, apparently! When I went to blog this, I got that hideous “system cannot find requested file”.
Here’s a new one, though (I don’t assume you know weblogs.com’s ping service, but do check it out): dig what I got when I tried the ping form: “Weblog that has been updated. Can’t open named stream because TCP/IP error code 11001 – Host not found. (DNS error).”
Not ready for primetime … *I wonder if I’ll be able to publish!*

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Accessing http://blogspot.blogger.com/ yields the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’

Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘mid’

//functions/doAutoLogin.inc, line 15

Oh! Well, scuze me! I thought I might be able to edit my blog! Sihly me!

*BTW, maybe one of you google-salaried wiz-dikz can figure out how to restore the two blocks of archives your system blew away?Oh-wooops, right … it’s free, so I should eat shit. Right. Sorry. I forgot.”

Update: How lame is this: last month I couldn’t blog or edit from NS4.8 *don’t go there … I have my reasons, and they’re very good* Tonight, I cannot get past auto-login on Phoenix, but any other browser is fine.
The dweebs can’t test before rolling out?! buncha lamers.

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