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Imported from MozDawg without title

Ok, that’s it, I’m going to fix the template on this site … and maybe shift away from the army-surplus colour scheme too.

"For lack of a nail, a shoe was lost; for loss of that shoe, a horse …"

Ahhh, that I cannot run such as b2 and blogCMS

I found this nifty little AJAX tutorial in DigitalPoint’s Javascript forum. is right tastey!

Rich Internet Applications and AJAX – Selecting the best product, an article from JavaLobby. Dang this stuff gets sexy!

Want some fun? Look into … here’s the Developer’s Guide.

And of geek interest: Center for Research and Development of Digital Libraries. Some links I got there (from the single entry in their wiki *sigh):

  • JotLive – collaborative text editing on the web
  • JotSpot – “application” wiki
  • Writely – WYSIWYG document editing on the web
  • Interesting, how resources go unused. Here’s another example: the archives of the NE branch of American Society for Information Science and Technology.

    Here’s an academic with an impressive list of titles in her pubs: Dr Judith Wusteman.

    Blogs for two fellows working on AJAX Office: Jacques Mony and Paolo Massa (a list of papers on Paolo’s bio).

    Closing notes:
    * Rasmus’ 30 second AJAX tutorial. No, really, it is that short!
    * A really pretty forum page
    * Some AJAX blogs – gotta start with Jesse James Garrett’; from that one these follow naturally: lane becker, Peter Merholz, and Jeffrey Veen.

    Imported from MozDawg without title

    This, from my newly created Moz Knowledge Base Wiki page (which reminded me that this blog was here!):

    * Mozillazine is hosted by [Open Source Lab at Oregon State –! No kidding … that’s cool. Here’s a couple of items I found in ”Planet OSL”, OSL’s blog: “OpenOffice Could Learn From Firefox” (that’s from Scott Kveton’s blog … he’s OSL’s Associate Director) and “Pulling Things Together], on Mike Morgan’s blog

    “Firefox 1.5 was released along with many changes to back-end services many people outside the developer community aren’t aware of. So instead of blogging about changes in this release I thought I’d take some time to stop and take a look at what went on with web services that support it.”

    p.s. Here’s my newly created Moz Dev Wiki page.

    How did I miss "CommunityWiki"?!

    see CategoryDiagram and see CategoryDiscussion. Also VisualLanguage.

    Turns out I also missed LiquidDemocracy on Twisted Wiki

    Museworld’s ProtectingDemocraticIntent is part of an interesting online process.

    MeatBall Wiki has a nice long gotta see page on DebateTool … lots of external links.

    "Six Hats"

    Useful for sorting discourse, yes?

  • WhiteHat : JustTheFacts, unemotional data and questions about getting more data.
  • BlackHat : TheDownSide, negative consequences, the worst things that could happen.
  • YellowHat: TheUpSide, positive consequences, the best things that could happen.
  • GreenHat : InnovativeIdeas, off-the-wall creativity.
  • RedHat : GutFeelings, emotions, what you really think in your heart and belly.
  • BlueHat : MetaThinking, process and procedure
  • from C2 Wiki’s “Six Thinking Hats

    Why I'm doing ''ParDelib''

    “The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to help people work together — and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world. We clump into families, associations, and companies. We develop trust across the miles and distrust around the corner.”
        —Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving The Web

    see gnodal and my ”ParDelib” tag


    “Part of the genius of Tim Berners-Lee’s original design of the Web was a total unification of several concepts in a single idea, the page:

    * the user’s view of the information on the screen
    * the unit of navigation (what you get when you click a link or activate a navigation action like a bookmark)
    * a textual address used to retrieve information over the net (the URL)
    * the storage of the information on the server and the author’s editing unit (except if using embedded objects like image files which do require the author to manage multiple files for a page)

    The fundamental design of the Web is based on having the page as the atomic unit of information, and the notion of the page permeates all aspects of the Web. The simplicity of the original Web contributed to its ease of use and its rapid uptake.”
    from ”Ajax Sucks Most of the Time” (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox December 2005)

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