What’s in a word? ”Peer Production” and ”CrowdSourcing” and …
posted Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 1:29 PM MST
“A rose, by any other name …” Yaa, right, heh … Firefox 1.5 or 1.8, or Bon Echo, or Bon Echo 2.01b1 … or 2.01b2 …
Anyhow, I just started using ”crowdsourcing” as a del.icio.ur tag, alongside opensource and collaboration. (There are less than 100 items at del.icio.us with that tag.)
Who was the originator? Jeff How in Wired 14.06 with “The Rise of Crowdsourcing“?
“Remember outsourcing? Sending jobs to India and China is so 2003. The new pool of cheap labor: everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems, even do corporate R & D.”
or Ben Garfinkel and Kevin Broome in their ”We’re not wired right” blog with “Buzzing with the Digital Crowd at Vidfest 2006, viz.:”
“Terry McBride, head of Nettwerk Records made no new friends during his Keynote Speech […] when he introduced the following buzzword to the design-centric audience: crowd sourcing.”
Check those dates against this technorati graph of posts using “crowdsourcing”:
Get your own chart!
see also: Jeff Howe’s ”Rise of the Amateur” blog; Cote’s “The Fine Line Between Crowd-Sourcing and Crap-Sourcing” in his “One foot in the muck, the other in utopia” (also a blog); two CS manufacturers: cambrianhouse.com, a CS company (a variety of products), and threadless.com (swag).
Listening to: Jesse Brown on CBC Radio with his “Contrarians“. (Why doesn’t he get his show a reasonable website??! *C’mon Maffin, chip in!*)