And what’s this about WikiMUD?!
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October 21st, 2004 on 19:15
I’m just this guy, you know?
The idea just hit me as I was sleeping, and I decided to run with it a bit and see where it lead. The concept is intriguing and I would like to work on it, but I have another project I’m currently involved with right now, but I wouldn’t mind discussing it a bit, as I see you have an interest in Wikis.
October 22nd, 2004 on 01:02
The bit that didn’t get posted because, in fact, with respect to jwz’s wealth, disjunct and absurd:
October 22nd, 2004 on 01:12
Order, out of chaos, arises
OK: I was astonished (and massively gratified) to have received your post at my recently disfunctional freenet account. Because I hadn’t swiched. (And maybe I /won’t/!)
Anyhow … the scintillating web of inter-connectedness that I collaborated to weave; I’m sorry I can not take best advantage or make best use of it … I am only /temmpted/ to resentment.
Point being: there is, actually, no disconnect between the “virtual” and “actual”.
Regardles (I’ll sign on as Gnodal shortly), please do meet our brethren at Ward’s Wiki.
NBI do not ignore the incidental fact that you have an LJ.
*Life’s like that sometime. heh. Some of us are so bold as to count on it!*
October 22nd, 2004 on 02:39
Re: Order, out of chaos, arises
I’ve already been there. And MeatBall, and a bunch of others. I’ve been visiting them for some time now actually, although I rarely participate, as I enjoy reading the pages.
October 22nd, 2004 on 04:03
Re: Order, out of chaos, arises
All of this makes perfect sense.
I guess this goes to show that “Takes one to know one” is true, but not inevitable.
No offense meant.
I guess it’s good that I haven’t had the stability that would allow me access to the past decades’ URLs and IDs … but then again, that would probably have created a scene of competition and rivalry and we wouldn’t want that, would we.
Well … ‘scuse me … I shouldn’t talk about “we”. I won’t have it.
So, screw the discourse system.
I think the whole world should declare war against NA.
“Let god recognize his own.”
Scuzzy excuse for a culture, if you ask me.
October 22nd, 2004 on 01:29
“I’m just this guy, you know?“
Ya, life’s like that. When the realization strikes before you have wife/kidz/retirement it can get a-maze-ingly intricate.
The idea just hit me as I was sleeping …“
Ya, life’s like that. Something about the primordiality of wisdom. Have you read Heid … meh, whatever. What should have been at hand didn’t arise aafter 5 minutes skilful searching.
I resign.
It was sweet that my friend Ian Oeschger came up in the google results; Ian was tech_docs at Netscape.
Sorry dewd … this aulde dawg is tired from the defeats.
hfx_ben will friend you ‘soon as he fights through the login trash. He knows it’s for keeps.
October 22nd, 2004 on 02:57
No, I haven’t read any Heiddeger; I don’t really enjoy reading philosophy and instead prefer to work it out on my own from first principles (I tend to approach programming that way too). I also keep meaning to write more, but time has a way of slipping (rather quickly) into the future.
But I keep on trying.
October 22nd, 2004 on 15:51
Let me give this a bit of a spin, so to bring it to bear on this journal’s raison d’etre: I’m truly impressed by the academics who have produced so many systems for discourse analysis and support … the design and theory they’d developed is quite impressive. I /cannot/ say I’m impressed with they systems themselves.
My point is this: their focus, as academics and scholastics, is to explicate theory. Mine, as a tech_docs oriented citizen, is to struggle against the logistical and communication problems that plague our communties and provide ample opportunity for chicanery.
Sooooooooo: it was that thinking that motivated me last spring to move from the BPM/L stuff I was doing (I must must must find income … I’m 50, and my health is not getting better) towards something that would actually improve the operations of, say, a government department, or a group of NGOs.
Again: what I’ve come up with, as a project of information integration, can serve as a decision support system (of commercial interest I think) but, to my eyes more imposing, as a discourse system that would rival Wikipedia in prestige (though it would never be quite as much fun!)
What I need is a clean well-lighted place (this room is damp, cold, and smelly), a decent set of tools (*alas* this 300MHz box is starting to act really wonky, and I’m bumming bandwidth off the fellow in the next room … I plowed the last of my liquid funds into a 300MHz Panasonic Toughbook w/WiFi). Then it’s a matter of creating the prototype (which would require a very slight amount of industry-strength PHP/MySQL) and somehow contriving to launch an OpenSource project while protecting the core intellectual properties. (I have no intention of living my last years in abject poverty; I want at least the dignity afforded a monk.)
October 22nd, 2004 on 16:18
*testing my updated mail settings – test failed; I’ve had to Cut/Paste*
Do you know of Arno Penzias? He was head of R&D for AT&T … credited as having discovered background cosmic radiation.
How about *Ohh dang, forgot his name … died in a mountaineering accident* Heintz Peintgens? *google tells me I’m wrong*
Anyhow, both of these practicing engineers / physicists had deep philosophical appreciation for information theory and such. (And reading sub-atomic physics for laymen is fun, no? *grin)