- BlogBuddy
- Chronicle Lite – The blog client for all platforms.
- MonauralJerk
- MozBlog
- very large set of IE ‘marklets
Of interest: Vanilla … written in rebol (see also rebol.net).
* DocBookAuthoringTools at DocBookWiki
* SemanticPlanet – a blog
NB: How dumb is the web? Dig: I recall how, back hen I first began blogging, it took about 3 minutes to find and install a bookmarklet. I just wasted over 20 minutes on that little project … with no luck.
Friggin’ phoneys are screwing up the whole world. (Ok, so back then it took me 20 minutes to find a whole selection … so sue me for exaggerating! Point stands.)
Ripped off from McGee’s Musings:
“”The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.”
– Dorothy Parker