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Hale-freakin'luja! Crowd-sourcing revealed | unmasked!

Can ‘crowdsourcing’ be slave labor?” (Nawwwwwww … and the pope doesn’t poop in the woods.)

“These initiatives typically tout the importance of companies creating new interactive relationships with their consumers in the digital age. But as Paul Boutin wrote in a recent BusinessWeek column, this concept of “crowdsourcing” is not necessarily utopian in all forms. The main reason is compensation–or, more accurately, the lack thereof.”
thanks for this to the heads up at

If I was ram-rodding some cheapskate chiselling VC firm, I’d find some way of having a buncha bliss-ninnies brain-storm like some derainged ADHD-stricken focus group, keeping them happy by passing out balloons and offering free refills on the helium.

Gadzooks … in the name of all that’s holy, I really am not advocating cynicism, but something approaching self-esteem with an eye to realism and pragmatism!

Yes I am blowing off steam. I’ve been drop-kicking “on spec” work for years nae decades, so the “Oooh peachy keen lets cuddle-puddle our social capital and make out like lemmings” more than triggers my gag reflex.

On the other hand, to return to … don’t just think about it, do it!

Grab this here logo!

various logos

Pop into that site and read … it’ll do all of us a bit of good

On the third hand, following a link from one of my circles: on heh sanity in an insane world. Two must must must read posts by him:

*Automated SEO Reciprocal Link Requests” … not the stuff of humour, normally, but Matt huh huh had me cackling out loud.

*Nightmare Web-Design Clients” … nowhere near the haa-has, but a real fine start on something like a “best practices” list.

On that second subject, something I keyboarded elsewhere today:

practically all my substantial exchanges with clients (in a consulting capacity) have their impact recorded on the Work To Be Done document. (This is a variation on “Every action item must be accompanied by initials of whoever is responsible / has signed off / will act as anchor.”)

"Must read"

Programming Collective Intelligence” (ToC); read online … see write-up at O’Reilly

One slight sample of the ToC:

“The term collaborative filtering was first used by David Goldberg at Xerox PARC in 1992 in a paper called “Using collaborative filtering to weave an information tapestry.” He designed a system called Tapestry that allowed people to annotate documents as either interesting or uninteresting and used this information to filter documents for other people.”

Sounds a lot like what I’ve been calling “group discernment”!

Also of interest: RoboHelp7 from Adobe


"News Group"


Hey, did you notice how FaceBook displays a segment of text when you enter a fully qualified URL into a message?

Web2 is You and Me | Tweeter in Chief Evan Williams ICWSM 2007

The Machine“, by Prof. Michael Wesch, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnography

Ev Williams – invited talk at the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media

Videos for Keynote Presentations; ICWSM Blog

A note about Google Video and YouTube … 3 blogs? 3 different markups for YouTube. (Mine are LJ, blogger, and WordPress.) It’s a pain in the arse. And now a different markup for google!

If you click the “Blog This” link while at the video site the thing will slip right into your blogger account … using tables, if you can grok that. But for LJ it just posts a JPG linked back to that site. And yes again using tables. *snort*

One startup's trajectory

In his “Breakups are hard to do” (see his What Do I Know“), Todd Dominey gives us a nice peek behind the scenes:

“the road to launch started a year and a half ago. Myself and a handful of other talented people spent months creating presentations and financial projections, developing wireframes, pitching the concept to focus groups, designing mockups, acquiring staff, and of course developing the brand; all with the end goal of acquiring the ‘green light’ from Turner. You see, Super Deluxe wasn’t a directive from above, but rather a concept that had to be sold to the company before it could be started.
We reached that goal early Fall 2006, and immediately followed through with three intense months of development. The site was publicly launched mid-January 2007.
Today, two months later, Super Deluxe is seeing incredible traffic with very little marketing or advertising.”

Nice story … thanks.

Hey, BTW: I took my “The Cool Discipline of Freedom” (a dormant blog) for a walk through’s “Template Update” process and settled on “Scribe“, a design by Todd’s Dominey Design. Nice thing about properly formed XML? It took me about 18.2 seconds to shift the sidebar from left (which I think really sux) to right (which I think is only right and proper. (Now, here’s a quibble: how long do you bet it’ll take me to get the google-geek’s lame-ass Profile “widget” to STOP SHOUTING MY NAME AND ADDRESS. *buncha dummies*)

What's the point of life if you don't have a code? *snort*

the blogger code

Don’t know about “geek code”? Then “blogger code” won’t mean a whole lot to you.

Know about “geek code”? heh … I’ll show you mine; you show me yours? *le smurque*

Geek code from ?what? 9 years ago:

G_C v2.1: GTW/P/>CS$ !n !e e e+ e* !n -d+$ H+ !n Y++ a+ po->-+ h>* !n s-:- g+ p3+ !au>— w->+++ v->— C++ P+>++++ E—->— W UB>++++ M- N++ K- t++ R G’>? tv++>– B– u* f- y++++ r r— !n

Blogger code from ?what? 9 minutes ago:

B9 d t+ k++ s u- f+ i+ o+ x+ e l- c–

heh … sometimes it’s nice to leave “discourse ethics” and “participatory deliberation in the context of post-modernist historiography” aside for a moment or 3. *snort*

I blame Hixie for this. You can blame Hixie too, if you want. Or blame someone else. Even me. Whatevuh. heh

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