PoV … right. Now, moving along:
I suspect that a rigorous dialectical analysis (dialogics?) would evidence that a number of perspectives are valid, credible, and plausible. To revert to the vernacular: there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
And so decisions are then derived, quite properly, according to the human values at play: here we would see the play of various principles.
The point to the exercise is always that a) most people cannot put forward arguments in support of their opinions and b) most of those few supporting arguements are simply wrong.
What comes to mind is that rationality needs to get its foot in the door of public argumentation and that it does so. But it does so again and again and again with only slight progress: each victory gains little and every defeat is costly. What the “Participatory Deliberation” system produces using the POV method is a set of substantial foundation blocks.
Is this of value? Is anything except material wealth?
Does this matter? Does anything except brute power?